Contact Red Creek Farm
General Info, Boarding, Training, Grooming, etc:
1394 Ramage Rd
Townville, SC 29689
Fax: 800-506-6113
Email: info@redcreekfarm.com
From South:
I-85 North to Exit 4 (Fair Play). Turn Left and cross over bridge. Take first Right onto Grubs Rd. At the Yield sign, turn Right onto Hwy 243. Go 2 miles (cross bridge and go up a hill) and turn left onto Fair Play Rd. (across from Old Fork School Rd.) Go 1.8 miles and turn right onto Ramage Rd. Farm is 1st drive on the left #1394.
From North:
I-85 South to Exit 11 (Townville). At the end of the exit ramp go Straight across onto Hwy 243. Proceed for approximately 3 miles and turn Right on Jolly Rd. Go to the first stop sign and turn right onto Fair Play Rd. Go about 1/2 mile and turn right on Ramage Rd. Farm is 1st drive on the left #1394.
From Northwest:
Rte 24 to Townville-turn right onto Fair Play Rd. (just past Post Office). Go 2 miles, at top of hill turn left onto Ramage Rd. Farm is 1st drive on left #1394.